The Fishery
Heard Island & McDonald Islands (HIMI), the home of Glacier 51 Toothfish, is Australia’s most remote Commonwealth-managed fishery. It surrounds Australia’s only active volcano, Big Ben. The fishery is also home to 14 spectacular glaciers. Glacier 51 Toothfish takes its name from the Fiftyone Glacier, which is one of the largest glaciers in the Australian Antarctic and can be found flowing southwards on the south side of Heard Island. It was named “The 1951 Glacier” by an ANARE party that made a traverse of Heard Island in 1951.
Below is the brand new corporate video from Austral Fisheries, show casing Glacier 51 toothfish. The video shows what is involved in bringing you our Glacier 51 Toothfish all the way from Heard Island to your plate.
HEARD ISLAND – Australian Antarctic Territory
Coordinates: 53˚11’S 73˚34’E
Location: Southern Indian Ocean
4,109 km SW of Perth, Western Australia
Elevation 9005 ft (2745 m) above sea level
Air Temperatures: -0.8˚ to 4.2˚C
Wind Speeds: Force 5 – 10 (33 kph to 95 kph)
Precipitation: Occurs on 75% of days (Including snow)
Wave heights: 5 to 10 metres